Call for Submissions – RSLondonSouthEast 2024

The RSLondonSouthEast workshop is back for another year, with the 5th regional research software community workshop, RSLondonSouthEast 2024 taking place on Tuesday 16th July 2024 at Imperial College London’s South Kensington Campus.

Run by the Research Software London (RSLondon) community, in collaboration with the new STEP-UP project, the workshop will bring together Research Software Engineers (RSEs), researchers, academics, systems professionals and people from a range of other roles who are interested in research software.

This year we are also beginning the process of widening our remit to include support for a wider community of digital Research Technical Professionals (dRTPs), including research data and research computing infrastructure professionals.

We are inviting the submission of abstracts for:

  • Regular talks (15 minute talk, plus 5 minutes for questions)
  • Lightning talks (5 minutes)
  • Posters

Submit an abstract

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: 23:59 BST (UTC+1) on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 Tuesday 28th May 2024 (extended)abstract submission Abstract submission for this year’s workshop is now closed.
  • Notification of acceptance: Wednesday 12th June 2024


With ever increasing numbers of technical professionals working at research institutions within the London and South East region and beyond, a key focus for this year’s workshop is the growth of this community and how the lessons we’ve learnt from the research software community can support other digital RTPs. How can we enhance the opportunities we offer for careers and development of technical skills not just in the software space but also in the data science, data management and computing infrastructure/HPC fields? 

The workshop is aimed at anyone who builds, maintains or works with research software, as well as researchers who have experience of working with RSE teams and data science, data management or research computing infrastructure/HPC professionals. The RSLondon community focuses on supporting people based at institutions in London and the South East of England and the RSLondonSouthEast workshop is primarily focused on promoting knowledge exchange, networking and collaboration between individuals based at institutions in this region. Nonetheless, we are keen to develop links with and hear experiences from the wider RSE and digital RTP communities and are open to participation from individuals at other UK and international institutions.


We invite the submission of abstracts covering all aspects of Research Software Engineering, research data and research computing including, but not limited to:

  • Research software development best practices, including testing, CI/CD, code review, research software project management, etc.
  • Training and skills development activities including developing training pathways and curricula
  • Secure data management and trusted research environments
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion within research technical communities
  • Supporting reproducibility of research outputs
  • Experiences from building and running local or regional research software/data/HPC communities
  • Building and running RSE groups and teams
  • Supporting career progression for Research Technical Professionals
  • Application of research software/data engineering skills to novel research challenges
  • HPC infrastructure deployment/management – including on-premise, cloud-based and hybrid resources


Workshop submissions will not be formally published but accepted abstracts will be made available on the website.

We also strongly encourage you to submit your presentation slides to a platform such as Zenodo in order to obtain a DOI for your presentation. We will then link to this from the workshop agenda.

Abstract preparation guidance

Abstracts are being accepted for the following submission types:

Regular talks: 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions – up to 300 word abstract

Lightning talks: 5 minutes – up to 200 word abstract

Posters: A1 poster plus a 2-minute poster introduction lightning talk – up to 200 word abstract

We ask that you cover the following points in your abstract:

  • An overview of the topic or piece of work that your presentation/poster will cover
  • How this submission will develop the skills/knowledge/understanding of the attendees or start discussion on an important topic
  • Why you feel the submission will be of interest to the workshop attendees

Submit your abstract via the abstract submission form.

Abstract review and further information

Abstracts will be reviewed by members of our programme committee.

Reviews are undertaken anonymously – details of abstract submitters (including names/affiliation) are not provided to reviewers, they will receive only the abstract text. However, please be aware that abstract text will not be anonymised – it will be provided to reviewers as submitted. You are therefore advised, where possible, to avoid including identifying information in your abstract submissions.

We are committed to promoting and supporting diversity within the RTP community and strongly encourage submissions by individuals from underrepresented groups in this field.

We are also keen that RSLondonSouthEast 2024 provides a forum for people who are new to the RSE/RTP field and/or not regular attendees of academic-style conferences. As such, we encourage submissions from people who are new to or inexperienced at presenting. There is support/mentoring available if you are new to presenting your work – please contact the workshop team at if you would like to make use of this support.

The workshop aims to provide as many opportunities as possible for people to present their work and ideas. The review process will be used to ensure that submissions are within scope and cover material that is relevant and likely to be of interest to the workshop attendees. We anticipate significantly more submissions than we have space to accommodate at the event and the programme committee/workshop team will manage the selection of presentations and posters to ensure these aims are supported.

Note that where we are unable to accept talks due to limited capacity within the workshop schedule, we may offer the opportunity to present the submission in an alternative format, e.g. as a lightning talk or poster.